ԴWjYԴ 2022-07-22 21:40:29
Zy( Language Difficulties )
1֪ij~İl(f)rHow do you pronounce? @~ôx?
2֪ij~ĝhZ˼rWhat‘s the Chinese meaning of the word?~ĝhZ˼ʲô?Ƶı^߀УWhat do you mean byin Chinese?/What’s the Chinese for?/ What does mean in Chinese?
3֪ij~ƴrCould/can you spell the word?ƴһ@~?
4] ()vԒݕr
I‘m sorry I didn’t quite follow(catch)youՈfһrоͱ_I‘m afraid I didn’t follow (catch)қ] ()
5] ()fԒՈ؏you/Would you mind I repeating that? /pardon ?Beg your pardon?/ I beg your pardon? / Could you say that again ?/Would you please say that again?/Would you please say that more slowly?
6Ƿ ()r
ãIs that clear? /Have I made myself clear?/Do you see what I mean ?/ Do you understand?
7֪α_ijһ˼rãI‘m sorry I know only a little English I don’t know how to say it in English(I don‘t know the exact word in English)but it is some thing like҃HһccӢZҲ֪ӢZ_@~(Ҳ֪ӢZܱ_ԓ˼Ĝʴ_~)c
8ʾZijПoyr I have some(no much little a littlesome) difficulty (trouble)in pronouncing(spelling) “ij·һЩ(]ܶ١һcy)”have some (nolittlea littlemuch any)difficulty(trouble) with sth
9ӆe`rãI‘m sorry I have made a mistakeҷ˂e`I’m sorry I should have saidұԓfThat‘s not what I meantҲǂ˼What I mean is ҵ˼I’ll try to explain that againҌMٽһ