(li)ԴпW(wng) ߣпW(wng) 2018-12-14 10:33:26
ٝS(yng)Making Compliments and Responses
It‘s beautiful Ư/ That’s marvellous ˲/ It‘s a lovely picture ÿƬ/ I’m glad you did Һܸd/ I‘m pleased you did Һd^/ How clever of you Ŷ/ I like the way you did ϲgķʽ/ I admire the way you do Ҿķʽ/ I’ve never seen such a ߀](mi)Ҋ(jin)^(gu)˵/ What a nice coat you have ºƯŶ/ You look very smart today 쿴ȥŶ / What a wonderful house ķӺƯŶ/ It matches your suit perfectly @·/ You‘ve certainly given us a very good lecture Ĵ_o҂һ(chng)ʵv/ You have a beautiful smileЦ / You have a good sense of humourͦĬеġ/ Your wife is beautiful Ư/ You gave an excellent speechv澫 / Your car is nice܇Ư / This is a lovely dinner/The dinner is great@D治e(cu) / That’s a very nice suit you‘ve got on㴩·Ư / That was a marvellous speech һ(chng)˲v/ You look wonderful this evening ȥܲe(cu) / What a nice living room so comfortable ҺϲgļҾߣăI / I appreciate your new carҷdzp܇(du)ѵľʱܳɿ(j)HRF(xin)(chng)ֱӞȲʣ
Well done Johnson ɵúsd/ I‘m so happy for you еd/ It’s very well deserved ԓ@/ You must be terribly pleasedһdzd/ Aren‘t you very excited Tomķһܼ(dng)
Oh I‘m glad you like it Ŷϲgd/ I’m glad you think so / I‘m delighted you think so @J(rn)d/ Oh thank youŶxx /How kind of you to say that ǘf(shu)á/ I’m glad to hear that (tng)@d / Thanks for saying soxx@f(shu)
P(gun)]2019пӢZ(y) (tng)Č(du)Ԓ龰R